Radiant Professional Services – Business Coaching for Career Success
RPS works with individuals to intelligently plan for the future while staying focused on the present. We help you identify and acquire the new skills needed to succeed in your current position as well as set a strategy for the opportunities down the road. We do not tell you how to do your job, but focus on the disciplines and skills leaders and managers need to execute effectively within their roles.
As professionals advance in their career roles, new and different skills are required. What made a person a great accountant may hinder them as CFO or COO. The skills that make a person a great IT specialist usually works against them as they advance to management. In nearly every field, the skills at the start of a career are different from those needed over time, and many organizations do only a partial job in helping one gain those new skills.
So many questions
Where are you now?
- Are you overwhelmed and grappling with time and financial management problems?
- Are you getting the career results you need?
Where are you going?
- Do you have a solid career plan?
- Are you getting measurable results?
- Are you reviewing your plan regularly and making needed adjustments?
“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.” – Peter Drucker
Clear feedback you can count on
Even in ideal situations where a well skilled leader with the fundamental skills, a coach can serve as a sounding board outside the chain of command to give clear and unbiased feedback. Many may not realize how they come across to others and miss why their message gets lost.
“Every famous athlete, every famous performer has somebody who’s a coach; somebody who can watch what they are doing and say ‘is that what you really mean? Did you do that?’ They can give perspective. The one thing people are never good at is seeing themselves as others see them. A coach really helps.” – Eric Schmidt, Google CEO – CNN Money
Not Just Buzz Words
Succession Planning