Radiant Professional Services can help you with planning and execution, building or reviewing strategic plans, and on-site training.
At RPS, our one constant mission is to help business execute. Great leaders have incredible ideas for innovation, for products or services, or to improve the lives of their customers. RPS focuses on helping those businesses set and meet goals that ensure success and sustainability.
Learn more about RPS
Business Alignment
Business alignment is all about getting the whole sum of the organization (all departments, teams, et cetera) work in concert toward the success of the organization. Check this quick video out for a better explanation.
Execution Planning
Sometimes viewed as a subset of the strategic plan, by treating this as a separate plan it focuses the attention on the energy and effort required to ensure the plan is put into action and followed. Some see this as an internal governance plan, it ensures that communication, reflects the expectations of the leadership and the means to validate each decision towards the shared objectives.
Progress Metrics
Performance is meaningful only if it measured and measured as progress against the business’ objectives. For exampling, cutting down trees can be viewed as performance or execution. However, if the objective is encourage a healthy forest, then the progress is about removing only the sickly trees. Helping the business identify meaningful metrics that help ensure progress, not just productivity is key. RPS works with the organization to objectively define the optimum metrics to spur growth.

Project Management Services
RPS offers project management services for small to large projects including consulting on project training as well as full engagement on projects. RPS owner George Brockman has over 10 years of project experience and has maintained his PMP certification since 2007.