
RPS Affiliations

George Brockman of RPS is proud to work with many area organizations in the Birmingham, Alabama business community – and beyond.  Below are just a few of the organizations we are associated with and committed to serve and support.

    • AchieveIt takes the Strategic planning done with RPS and makes collecting the measures easy to integrate into your business. As your organization grows, you have an executive summary at your fingertips and access to the details behind each measure.
    • Self Management Group

      SMG is an internationally recognized leader in employee engagement through Self Management training. SMG teaches leaders to be more effective and team members to manage their own efforts more effectively. They also have best-of-class tools in employee profiling for the individual or the whole organization.

    • Map HR – Optimizing Human Capital To Maximize Share Holder Value


      Map HR is a network of solution providers for helping employers make the most of their investment in their Human Capital.  There are thousands of service providers making promises of value and service of varying sorts.  But who can your trust?  MapHR is a list of trusted providers and is pre-screened and held to a high quality of service standards.

Please note: Each of these organizations above have different relationships with RPS or RPS’s leadership.  For legal reasons, it should be understood that the legal endorsements implied or explicit are related only to the specific group.  RPS makes no claims to legally represent any organization except as described above.