Team Tuning & Organizational Improvement

The problems are real but the solutions are difficult to spot.  Like trying to see the forest for the trees, it is difficult for an insider to spot the problems.   RPS has a proven process for identifying threats to a team’s performance and, if any are found they can be acted on with a process that provides measurable results.  The team is not told the solution but engaged to be a part of the solution in a way that gives them ownership and increases the likelihood of success.

RPS Team Services

We help teams of all industries from 5 to 500 employees in size.  Small businesses to corporate teams all benefit from the pragmatic approach RPS engages.  RPS works by re-energizing and re-equipping the talented people you already have with strategies that help them align with the organization’s mission.

Sometimes you know something is wrong – and sometimes you just suspect things are not as good as they should be.  Whether it is a hunch, suspicion, or a burning need – the process starts with some degree of awareness.

With an end in mind – better business performance – we work with you to design an approach that collects the information needed while respecting the culture. Through structured surveys using proven collection methods, the right questions asked to the right people in the right way we design the approach that with work for this inquiry.

Time to ask some questions.  Following the plan we design together, we use the best mix of surveys, interviews, and financial analysis to get all the information needed.

Survey and interview results are analyzed and scored to provide objective feedback.  Issues are then scaled (determining impact) and ranked (prioritized).  Using proven statistical models for quality and performance, the results are delivered in an Executive Summary and a Detail Report.

If action is warranted, we will offer practical solutions that bring measurable results.  Leadership and Management Training, Team Workshops and collaborative work groups are just some of the approaches we offer.

With solutions in place we continue to monitor and offer a 90 day follow-up assessment as part of the service.

 Our Processes are:

  • Measurable (in real dollars)
  • Self-sustaining
  • Iterative (in several steps)
  • Goal Driven
  • Culturally Aware

Training Programs Include:

  • CYA: Complete Your Accountability
  • Management Skills
  • Time Management
  • Customer Service
  • Partnership and Team Skills
  • Project Management
  • Effective Email Communication